2 Movers near Oak Park, CA

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Best Oak Park Movers

2 reviews

We’re a professional Moving Company that’s proud to offer our services to clients throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding area. Great service begins and ends with experienced and friendly professionals, which is why we put so much consideration into selecting the best people to join our team.… View more

Oak Park, CA
Oak Park, CA

Recent Reviews

1 year ago

Refused to measure volume. Asked for twice as much per estimate when they showed up to load at pick up. Damaged many items. Damaged our new home. Fake insurance coverage. Did not return call nor emails. Delay in pick-up and delivery without notifying us. They went MIA after payment is made.

Ying Ying Tan

6 years ago

Flash Moving was incredible to move my apartment in one day! These guys packed all my things and took great care of it. One word - PROFESSIONAL!

James Matos

6 years ago

Good movers! They came to me in next morning, were strong and cared of my furniture carefully. Thanks!

Kendrick Gomez

Hired pro

Review for:

Rush N Care