2 Gardeners near Eureka, CA

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Where do you need Gardening Services?

Best Eureka Gardeners

Garden Coaching, Fine gardening, and Collaborative gardening

• Garden Coaching ($50 / hour): We walk through your gardens to study and discuss - plant identification and care - what's working and thriving and what's not -- and what to do - ideas and recommendations • Fine Gardening ($30 / hour): Let me tend your garden. I take a nurturing and aesthetic approach… View more

Eureka, CA

Greenman Forest Restoration

Forest/Ecological Restoration - brush clearing and forest thinning - tree climbing, limbing, and felling - hauling, firewood and burn piles - fireline, fuel breaks -tree planting Landscaping and Farm work - gardening - trail making - cut and haul - weedwhacking - pruning, hedging - soil moving, transplanting, watering etc. View more

Eureka, CA