2 Pet Sitters & Walkers near Santa Monica, CA

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Best Santa Monica Pet Sitters & Walkers

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My name is Timothy Flanagan, I have worked as an A.K.C. Certified Dog trainer in the South Bay for 6 years. I am certified for obedience, which involves: command training, dog & human socialization, loose leash walking, crate training and potty training. My method includes force-free positive reinforcement. View more

 15003 Freeman Ave, Lawndale, CA 90260
Dog Training Pet Daycare & Boarding Pet Sitting & Walking

I have had dogs all my life come and go. I know how to treat animals nicely. A good walk and quality time will bring your dog back in bizness. Quality protein and carbs and lots of filtered water. Treats as well with safe ingredients. Kindness and patience while walking and will be easy on your dog if he/she is showing signs of getting tired. View more

Santa Monica, CA
Pet Sitting & Walking

Recent Reviews

8 years ago

Jordan is great! Takes great care of my dogs. I am always at ease leaving town knowing that they will be well cared for. Wonderful, courteous, dependable. I definitely recommend Jordan if you're looking for a reliable pet sitting service with reasonable rates!

Jonas K.

Hired pro

Review for:

Jordan Brower