6 Pet Sitters & Walkers near Orlando, FL
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Best Orlando Pet Sitters & Walkers
Bianca Brown
I love to work with different individuals and strive to put my best foot forward in all that I do. View more
Pet Sitting / Boarding
Hello, My name is David and I offer home environment pet sitting / boarding services both short and long term at my home in the Orlando Metro area (Casselberry/Longwood). I have been watching pets from my home for close to 10 years now! I have references that are current and that date back 9 plus years established clients. View more
$10/visit Pet Sitting by Rachel Trombley
Hello! My name is Rachel and I am a loving caring individual that cares about your pets well being on a mental and physical standpoint. We can all agree that the care your pet deserves can not be administered while you are working and or on vacation. This is where I am a valuable part of you and your… View more
Pet Sitting / Dog Walking - $10 a day for 1 pet
Hi pet owners, Worried about your pet making it through the day without any "accidents"? Is your dog an elderly or middle aged pet or even a puupy that needs a mid-day break? I have the solution for you and your pet. Drop in visits for your pet. I can visit your dogs for walks, potty breaks in the yard, playtime and feeding. View more
DOG WALKING and PET CARE (DR. PHILLIPS AND BAY HILL AREAS) Need your dog walked? Need your pet fed? I am a lifetime animal lover and have been the proud pet parent of many animals including dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, chinchillas and reptiles. I can not remember a time when my home didn't resemble… View more
AFFORDABLE Pet Sitting + Hunters Creek and Kissimmee/Disney
Hi! My Name is Jennifer, I have been an animal lover all my life, I have had various types of animals, including, cats, dogs,birds,potbelly pig and a skunk! I now own 2 cats , 3 guniea pigs and 2 Lionhead rabbits! There is a special place in my heart for every animal out there! I have a lot of experience!… View more
Active request
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1 year ago
Cat Sitters request from Scott Hartman
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Completed customers requests for Pet Sitters & Walkers
Pet Sitters request from Valery Pipes
Dog Sitters request from Linda K
Pet Services request from Veronica Castillo