3 Tow Companies near Decatur, GA

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Best Decatur Tow Companies

The owner has been in the Towing industry since 1996, We're the problem solvers, winch outs, lockouts, jumpstart, motorcycle, boats,small 6 wheel vehicles/box trucks,utility trailers storage shed,we'll get the job dun! View more

 1982 Austin Dr, Decatur, GA 30032
Towing Services

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Serving all Metro Atlanta area -Flat bed tow truck -19 years of experience -Fully bonded, licensed and insured -Lowest rates in town giving you affordable tow truck service -We pay high $$$ for junk cars no matter what condition there in and we tow it away for free. -WE ALSO TOW HEAVY MEDIUM- SIZED TRUCKS,… View more

 132 Luxomni Rd NW, Lilburn, GA 30047
Towing Services

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The only towing service that offers to pick up your vehicle, repair it and take it back to you. View more

Decatur, GA
Auto Repair Services Towing Services

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4 years ago

Service was excellent!! Very friendly and professional on time service. Recommend to company to everyone


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Genesis Towing

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Completed customers requests for Tow Company

Tow Companies request from Michael O

Atlanta, GA 30318

Type of towing: Car Towing.  Distance: 11 - 20 miles.  Primary location ZIP code: 30318.  Destination location ZIP code: 30349.  Schedule of towing: As soon as possible.  Additional info: Good rates preferably.