2 Daycare Centers near St. Louis, MO

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I've been a stay at home mom for 18 years. Massage therapist and a doula in training. View more

St. Louis, MO
Babysitting Housekeeping Pet Sitting & Walking

In Home Daycare

Hi! I have two openings for toddlers at my home for full time daycare. I have references and 20 plus years of experience. I have had an in-home daycare, taught preschool for 2-3 year olds, and worked as a Librarian in the public school system. My rates are reasonable and include meals and snacks. Please… View more

St. Louis, MO

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5 years ago

Child care request from Sarah Marchant

St. Louis, MO 63105

Type of service: Kids Coordinator.  Project details: Bethel Lutheran Church (www.bethelstl.org) is looking for a person to serve as our Bethel Kids coordinator. The Bethel Kids program serves our children from birth through high school. This position will focus on our preK-5th grade youth, and will coordinate and cooperate with the confirmation class (6th-8th grade), Youth Group (9th-12th grade), and the nursery (birth-preK). This position would be needed for the 9-month academic calendar, but could be asked for additional support over the summer as needed and available. We anticipate this would require 8-10 hours per week. On Sundays, this person will support a consistent and structured education program. Responsibilities would include providing prepared materials for the volunteer Sunday School teachers; leading games, music, and activities during the Education Hour; and identifying and supporting opportunities for Bethel Kids to lead/participate in regular Sunday worship services. Special worship service activities include Bethel Kids’ leadership of the Christmas Program and potential leadership of a spring worship service (such as the Palm Sunday drama). Activity will primarily occur on Sunday mornings, with occasional evening activities that are youth-friendly and available to the entire congregation (for example, hosting a pizza and game night or a community service event). The goal is to build and support a vibrant Bethel Kids program that attracts and supports youth in a faith-based community. We want to provide regular opportunities for Bethel Kids to serve the community and the congregation. We are seeking a person who shares our Christian faith, and aligns with Bethel’s mission to care for God’s creation; promote the non-violence of Christ and care for those who suffer; and participate in the Spirit towards a global religious community. Capability to lead music (through voice or instrument) would be useful. We welcome all sexual orientations and gender identities..  Start of services: I'm flexible.  Photo for task: Not specified.  Additional info: Not specified.