11 Pet Sitters & Walkers near Manhattan, NY

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Best 7 Manhattan Pet Sitters & Walkers

The primary goal of HireRush company is to connect you with the most reputable providers you can trust and return again and again. Our customers often ask themselves “Where can I find the best Pet Sitting & Walking Services near me?” that’s why we’ve selected 7 most trustworthy pros in Manhattan, NY from 11 available Pet Sitters & Walkers ready to make the work done for you. Our choice is based on numerous variables including company reputation on the platform, experience in the field and reviews from customers.

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I have been babysitting since 2010. I babysat for infants to 11 years old in their homes on weeknights, weekends, and in the summers since May of 2010. I was also a nanny for 2 summers. One family was the summer of 2011, and one was the summer of 2012. I would play with the kids, make them meals, clean up after them, change diapers, and bathe them. View more

 686 Jefferson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11221
Pet Sitting & Walking

Welcome! I am a professional dog care provider in NewYork City. I focus on sustaining your dogs optimal fitness state. Your beloved canine family member will always get maximum exercise during my care. I do what it takes to keep your pets healthy, and safe when you are called to the other commitments in your life. View more

Manhattan, New York, NY
Dog Training Pet Daycare & Boarding Pet Sitting & Walking

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Dog walking and pet sitting services in the Bronx, Manhattan area View more

Manhattan, New York, NY
Pet Daycare & Boarding Pet Sitting & Walking

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When you need pet services such dog walking, cat sitting from a company you can trust, choose the animal lovers at Leashes & Love NYC LLC. in Manhattan, New York. Our customers love working with us because we are punctual, resourceful, loving, and detailed. We take pictures of your pets during walks… View more

Manhattan, New York, NY
Pet Daycare & Boarding Pet Sitting & Walking

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Hello to all doggie owners. At Walking Adventures we offer many services at your convenience. The cheapest prices in town with the best references. Dog Walking Cat/Bird Sitting Overnights/Boarding Bathing/Grooming We work 24/7 weekends on request. I ask that you give me an hour notice before a last minute walk. View more

 W 83rd St, New York, New York 10024
Pet Daycare & Boarding Pet Grooming Pet Sitting & Walking

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Dog trainer & walker with over six years experience in the field offering sessions, private & group walks, and occasional boarding, pet sitting, and cat boarding/feedings. Experience in behavioral issues with animals as well as fearful & reactive dogs and various other skills. View more

Manhattan, New York, NY
Pet Daycare & Boarding Dog Training Pet Sitting & Walking

Dog Walking

My name is Eric Diaz and I am offering my services as dog walker in the Midtown area. I have references and a strong love of dogs. Feel free to contact me anytime. References available Eric Diaz View more

Manhattan, New York, NY
Pet Sitting & Walking

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Recent Reviews

6 years ago

Thanks Hernando for a great care of my new puppy! I was on vacation last month and brought Milly to Fitness Dog Walking for boarding. They did everything for her comfort and satisfaction. Almost every day I was sent pictures of her lifestyle. I am grateful!

Tania Picard

Hired pro

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New York, NY
Pet Sitting & Walking

LeashWalks Pet Services

Hi! We are Saylor and Catalina, owners of LeashWalks Pet Services! Our dog walking/pet sitting service offers a pet habitat of fun and love; Each dog/cat that we get lucky to care for becomes part of the LeashWalks pet family. We like to pay close attention to each dog(s)/cat(s) needs; They are all treated… View more

Manhattan, New York, NY
Pet Sitting & Walking

Attentive Dog-Walker Available

Greetings - I am a Dog-Walker, providing attentive, caring, and compassionate Dog-walking service to you and your Canine Companion(s). I live in East Harlem, near Morningside Heights - and the areas I am covering are East Harlem, Morningside Heights, and the areas of the Upper West Side near Columbia University, Cathedral of St. View more

Manhattan, New York, NY
Pet Sitting & Walking

Chelsea Professional Dog Walking (Chelsea, Greenwich Village, Midtown)

Hi, I'm Gil and I have been walking and taking care of dogs professionally for over 6 years. I am insured, have excellent references, and offer reasonable rates- $15 for a half hour, and $25 for a full hour. I walk only one client's dogs at a time. Package deals are available if you have more than one dog. View more

Manhattan, New York, NY
Pet Sitting & Walking

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