2 Chimney Sweeps near Oklahoma City, OK
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Where do you need Chimney Services?
Best Oklahoma City Chimney Sweeps
Regular fireplace $120
Chimney cleaning and repairs. Retired OKC area firefighter. Regular fireplace $120, pullout inserts $140. Dryer vent cleaning $75. $40 for inspection. 25 plus years experience. Minor brick repair, and crown and cap replacement. Call Brandon Lewis View more
Chimney sweep and minor repair
Chimney sweep before Christmas. Yes we can get to you before new year's and or even CHRISTMASS. We start with a $50.00 service call inspection . Then if you need a sweeping we charge anywhere from $50.00 additional to in the case of a 4 story Victorian with an insert additional $250.00 . I have been… View more
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Completed customers requests for Chimney Sweep
Chimney repair request from Kara Oldenburg