last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(575) 988-6038
Life is messy, & unpredictable, managing a home, kids, husband, chores, or just plain tired & overworked. trying to find some time for yourself in the time left in your day. The last thing you want to do is clean, wishing it was clean, or even think about having to clean is another stress no one needs. whatever the reason your house is in need of care so let me provide a second pair of helping hands.
I clean residential properties such as homes, apartments, I also provide services in the hospitality industry. such as hotel, motels, & cleaning services for logistic companies. Customers who use my services are private home owners, property owners, property management companies, & any one who needs my services. I offer daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, & one time service. I provide all required tools & equipment specifically required for all tasks. I pride myself with the knowledge & experience of over 10+ years I have invested in my cleaning cleaning career. Besides being a fantastic & trustworthy cleaning service I also provide many other helpful services, such as carpet cleaning, window cleaning, laundry, & much more.
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