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Where do you need Hair Style Services?
NOTE HAIR IS NOT INCLUDED PRICE REFLECTS INSTALL ONLY $80 vixen sew in $70 versatile $55 partial sew in $65 full, invisible, and lace sew in. All sewins come with a cut,style, and optional weaving net if desired. Takes me a hour to complete, hair must be washed and dryed before service. Same day appts available. View more
Located in Military Circle Mall inside Jazzy Hair across from the food court View more
All braids and Twist Ghana braids Banana braid Tree braids Goddess braids Miros Illustion braids Crochet weave Mambo crochet Vixen crochet Vixen crochet no leave out Sew in Braidless sew in Vixen sew in Silk press Natural hair care Children hair care Prem dread ext Dread ext Faux locs Yarn braids or… View more
BOOK APPOINTMENTS by contacting me via cell (call) I've been styling hair since I was 15 years old, and have years of experience with relaxed and natural hair. I personally had long relaxed hair until I was 20, and I've now been natural for 5+ years with a staggering 20+ inches of hair growth after doing a big chop in May of 2010. View more
Blessings! Allow me to provide service to your hair with hands that care. I personalize in braiding all types of hair. Box Braids, Havana Twist and more. (Hair is provided by client) I'm located in Hampton (Near the Peninsula Town Center). Get your hair done today so you can fall In love Thank you in… View more
Braids by Tabitha specializes in protective styles for your hair... Especially if in the process of transitioning from chemical to natural hair! View more
Completed customers requests for Hair Stylists