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How to organize your locker


When you get your school locker, you get so excited about having an opportunity to personalize, decorate and organize it the way you want to.

But, in most cases, lockers turn in a total mess just after a couple of school weeks.

However, it’s totally possible to organize your locker to make it quite functional, easy to maintain and personalized at the same time.

These school locker organization ideas and tips will hopefully help you do that just fine.

15 locker organization ideas

  1. Clear out your locker completely and try not to keep items, which are not related to school, in there.
    Lockers aren’t the most spacious things in the world (as you’ve already noticed). Surely, you don’t need to use that minimum space in vain.
  2. Purchase a couple of shelves and shelve dividers to ensure that you have more place and opportunities to organize, sort and divide stuff in your locker and prevent the creation of one giant bundle of your school supplies.
  3. Just one 3-shelf hanging roll-up organizer will be enough to store all of your school supplies.
    It features three shelves for your binders, taller notebooks, textbooks, as well as includes side pockets for small items like pens, pencils, math necessities, sharpeners, stick-on notes, etc.
  4. A magnetic erase board attached to the door of your locker will be quite handy.
    You’ll use it to write down different reminders, your afterschool activities schedule, packing plans for future school trips, school project ideas, draw cool holiday doodles, etc.
    Leave your afterschool activity request
  5. A small mirror and a plastic/wire container for your hairbrush, hair ties and maybe a couple of makeup products attached to the door of your locker with the help of magnetic stickers (or magnets hot glued onto those things) will literally save your life.
  6. If you’re a girl, a small makeup bag or a wall pocket with your basic necessities (like hairbrush, sunglasses, chapstick, deodorant, wipes, hand sanitizer and girly products for those special days) won’t harm at all.
    Guys may fill this handy compartment with their necessities as well.
  7. Having a jacket and a spare pair of comfy shoes (gym sneakers) in your locker is always a must.
    So, don’t forget to hang a magnetic hook for your jacket right next to the gym bag’s hook.
    Place a protectable rubber mat (or a plastic basket) on the bottom of your locker to store your shoes without getting your locker’s floor dirty.
  8. You just can’t avoid garbage in school lockers. It’s one of those constant fights you inevitably lose.
    However, you may get around it and find a small jar or even a mini trash bin for your locker.
    This way you’ll have a designated place for trash and stop it from cluttering your locker up.
    Just don’t forget to empty that bin every once in a while.
  9. Organize your binders and notebooks. Use chalkboard stickers, ordinary stickers or colorful tape with cool designs to color and subject coordinate them.
    Write down the subjects’ names on the spines of your binders and notebooks.
    Color coordinate your folders as well.
    It’s a fun thing to do at the beginning of school year. And, you will never grab the wrong folder/binder/notebook again.
  10. Magazine holders with labeled compartments (devoted to one subject) will add to your binder/notebook organization.
    Leave one compartment free for your homework papers, test results and spare sheets of paper.
  11. Organize your textbooks the way that the order they stand in matches the order of your classes. It’s quite handy. Use the same technique for your binders and notebooks.
  12. Decorate wooden clothespins with paint/markers/colorful tape and attach them onto the magnetic stickers.
    Keep them on your locker’s door to pin cool insta pics with your friends, different cute notes you might send each other, various reminders, empowering sayings, etc.
  13. It’s always great to know that you have some snacks in your locker.
    Stock up on your favorite one and use a small plastic basket or an old cardboard box decorated with colored paper to keep them in your locker.
    If you’re allowed to chew chewing gum in your school, put some extras in your trusty snack box as well.
    Again, if you’re running out of space, DIY door pockets/pouches for your locker will come quite handy.
    Visit Instructables.com to learn how to make them.
  14. Always have a couple of spare magnets in your locker. You never know how many important papers or other things you’ll have to keep in sight.
  15. Maintain your locker organized throughout the entire school year.
    For that matter, schedule regular clean-ups every month/every other month.
    Remember to wipe the dust in your locker every single week.

Comment (1)

  1. Brandon Clarke

    As a parent of a young student who just started using a locker at school, I found this article incredibly helpful! My child was a bit overwhelmed at first, but following these tips made the whole process much smoother. We especially appreciated the advice on keeping things organized and using shelves to maximize space. It’s so important for young kids to learn how to manage their belongings early on, and this guide gave us the perfect starting point. Thank you for sharing!


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