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Questions and Answers

Q: What do hardwood flooring services include?

A: Hardwood flooring companies can be divided into two main categories, namely installation and maintenance services.

Hardwood floor installation companies can help you choose the right type of material for your home and properly install it. Some also offer particular maintenance packages until the warranty for their floors is valid.

Hardwood maintenance services include basic cleaning, dusting, repairing, and refinishing of your floors. This service differs from the general home cleaning offers because contractors in this business have special equipment and experience. Hardwood maintenance contractors ensure that regular flooring maintenance preserves the quality and condition of the floors rather than destroy them with inappropriate chemicals and other substances.

Q: How do hardwood flooring contractors charge?

A: Both floor installers and maintenance companies charge on a per-project basis. The cost includes the cost of materials as well as labor. Generally, the initial installation of hardwood floors costs more than maintenance. Yet, if you neglected the need for proper hardwood care for a long time, then the maintenance cost may be equal and even higher than that for the installation.

Q: What is the average cost of the hardwood flooring services?

A: Since the pricing of hardwood flooring services is different, here are the tentative numbers for both installation and care:

  • Installation. Hardwood floor installation on average costs $2,550-$6,500 per project. But the top price in the industry is about $10,200. Please find more detailed numbers for floor installation in our hardwood floor installation cost guide.
  • Maintenance. Basic cleaning and repairs can cost $450-$1,300 depending on the complexity of repairs needed. Refinishing services on its own cost $1,000-$2,400 in total, but they are performed only once in 7-10 years. You can learn more about how to lower the refinishing cost in our hardwood refinishing cost guide.

Q: What factors affect the cost of the hardwood flooring services?

A: The quality of initial hardwood is the most influential factor for both initial installation and further maintenance. The more qualitative wood you choose, the more both installation and maintenance will cost, but the rarer you will need to perform the maintenance. Among the common cost influencing factors are:

  • Floor size. The bigger the floor, the more material is needed for installation and the more time it takes to refinish or clean it.
  • Floor shape. Standard rectangular or square spaces are much easier to cover with hardwood due to the shape of the wooden board. Should you have rounded floor, narrow spaces, stairs, or some unusual architectural shapes and forms, a company will have to adjust the boards for installation and so will need more time and material for it. In the case of maintenance and refinishing, the company will have to use smaller machines and even manual labor for the maintenance of unusually-shaped floors. As a result, you will have to pay much more for such services.
  • Removal of the top flooring. Very often, there is a carpet or some vinyl tiles laid on top of the hardwood floors. In such cases, the company will have to remove this cover flooring first and will charge extra for it.

Q: What are the most common red flags of scam hardwood flooring contractors?

A: Here are the general red flags for both hardwood flooring installers and maintenance contractors:

  • No license. No license equals no responsibility for the performed service and frequently no experience. Avoid companies without proper documents.
  • No references. References are the easiest way to check the company’s reputation and reliability.
  • Unpleasant behavior. Contractors who care about their reputation, business, and clientele in general never miss appointments and always communicate in a respectful manner. They can answer any question and never look down on their customers.
  • Pushy manners. Hardwood flooring companies should aim to help you choose the best floor for your home and ensure that you like it, not vice versa. Too insistent behavior and inability to listen to the client’s preferences is a bad place to start a good cooperation.