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A: Wedding videographers are professionals who film every second of your special day and then create a video clip with the best moments. Wedding videographers work not only during the weddings but also at proposals, engagements, rehearsal dinners, ceremonies, and afterparties. They film the event in general and then can transform the raw material into a full-length film or a small music video clip depending on your preferences. Besides that, they also choose the best music and visual effects for the video to look complete and engaging. Most often couples hire only one wedding videographer, however, they also work in small production teams during large events.
A: The standard charging method in this business is per package of services. For example, if you need the shooting and then a small clip without any major effects — you will pay the minimum price for the basic package. In case you need a full feature film, a small music video, and then short clips from every part of your wedding, then be ready to fork over more money for such services.
Wedding videographers are also likely to have a limited number of hours within their packages. And should you choose a basic package with, let’s say, four hours of shooting and decide that it’s not enough, you may have to pay additional per hour charge for every extra hour a videographer spends with you.
A: The basic wedding videography packages cost about $400-$900, while luxury offers reach $3,800. Most couples spend, however, $1,250-$1,500 for the wedding videography in total. You can find more detailed information about available packages and more precise prices in our wedding videographer cost guide.
A: The number of additional services, meaning those not included in the package, influence the final cost for the wedding videographer’s services most.
A: Since you’re hiring a person who will literally be responsible for all the good memories left after your special day, pay attention to the following signs of a qualitative wedding videographer.