
3D Transcription Service, Nationwide

last online over a month ago

  • Writing & Editing
  • 3D Transcription
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Austin, TX

Phone number:

(214) 793-7473

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  • Writing & Editing
  • 3D Transcription


My Team and I have a new Website for 3D Transcription Service, Austin, Texas, which describes all the services that my company offers to new clients. We have a large Client base, all over the United States, and do everything Online with our Clients.

Contact myself and My Team to see exactly what we offer, and how we can help you with your Transcription Projects.
We deliver detailed and accurate Transcripts with a Time Code at the top of each page, and names in caps of all the speakers on the audio file.
I have an Executive Assistant for General Transcription Projects, and one [1] Assistant that translates Spanish to English, and Spanish to Spanish for Transcripts for your Project.
They all are very proficient and accurate in their work, and we look forward to working with you in the future, in regard to your Special Projects.
We can insert Time Codes at the top of each page, just for audio recordings, and also Time Codes to match Time Stamping in a Video [MOV file], depending on how often you need the Time Codes.

I look forward to working with you in the future, and answering any questions that you might have about your particular Transcription Project.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future,
Linda K. Carr – Owner
3D Transcription Services
Austin, Texas


Austin, TX

Contact information

  • Phone
    (214) 793-7473
  • Email

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