last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(216) 860-7964
We have started a professional Chauffeur transportation services as of January 2016, not new to the chauffeur business, I have been a chauffeur for five years.
We are located in Cleveland Ohio and we have been working with all the hotels in the Cleveland area, we are working with Cleveland Jet Center, Flex Jet in Richmond Heights, Jet Center in Willoughby Ohio, working with several different living Assistance homes, I have helped out Royal Blue transportation services, Precision Car Service and I have pick up over 200 customers and 6% of it are repeat clients.
We offer the best service as a chauffeur company, every driver has access to Wi-Fi to allow people to do their work while on the road, have any and all power cords available, power inverter, water and upon request we will provide coffee and of thieir choice.
If you or any of your clients are need of transportation we at “A Special Touch Driving Service” We be glad to assist in any way we can.
Thank you.
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I ordered a chauffeur to the airport. The driver came in time, the car was clean, and the driver was cheerful. The ride was smooth and though I worried I could be late for the plane, we managed to get to the airport in time.