last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(727) 466-8558
AAA Service Company is a floor removal company specializing in removing any unwanted flooring that you have. We use ride-on floor scrapers to quickly remove any type of floor covering, including: ceramic tile, hardwood, glue-down carpet, VCT and sheet vinyl. Our machines are small enough to fit through any standard size door frame and they work on any size commercial or residential project that has a concrete sub-floor.
From Wall to Wall We Remove It All!!
Ceramic / Porcelain Tile $.75-2.00
VCT / LVT $.20-.75
Commercial Glued Carpet $.20-1.00
Residential Carpet $.10-.75
Sheet vinyl/PVC solid $.75-1.50
Glued hardwood $1.00-2.50
Epoxy Elastomeric coatings $.20-2.00
Rescrape & thin coatings $.50-2.00
Natural Stone $1.00-2.50
Interior Demolition Service which include:
Bathroom Vanities,
Toilet Removal
Kitchen Cabinet Removal
Popcorn Ceiling Removal
Countertop Removal
Mirror Removal
Wall Removal
Backer board Removal
Shower Wall Removal
Wall Tile Removal
Ceramic Floor Tile Removal
Carpet, Padding & Tack Strips
Baseboard Removal
Door Removal
And much more!
Please call Ryan with any questions!