last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(575) 640-9473
We bring two of our beautiful hand-led ponies to your child's party! Our ponies are super sweet, safe, sparkling clean and healthy. All we need is a small yard, cul-de-sac, sidewalk, or quite street. Parents are welcome to walk along with their child and take all the pictures they would like. We provide helmets.
Our ponies do great under any circumstances... Rain or Shine, our ponies don't mind.
The Pony Patch Ranch has been in business for 7 years. Our wonderful ponies have given rides at SNMSF, The Whole Enchilada Fiesta, The Mesilla Valley Maze, The Wine Festival, and lots of Birthday Parties and Trail Rides!
Pony Party Pricing:
Two Ponies for one hour: $175
Two Ponies for two hours: $250
Pony Patch Ranch Trail Rides
1/2 hour ride: $25 per child
Our Ponies Are Available For Special Events.