last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(513) 827-6400
I have been Training Dogs for over 30 yrs. and This price is our Dog or Puppy all Inclusive Training Bootcamp. This is a 2 week all inclusive, housebreaking, obedience, problem solving, protection.
Bootcamp was The Prevailing Obedience Program For the following reasons
1. Puppy Bootcamp introduces Obedience as a way of Life
2. The Transition back into the Clients Home Environment is Seamless with the Owners Participation
3. The Small amount of Homework and Followup Necessary for COMPLETE SUCCESS
4. The Results Continue to Consistency Exceed Dog Owner's Expectations.
I now offer InHome training in Cincinnati area
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Our daughter wanted a dog and my husband brought Henry to our house. But we were firm that any dog needs training so we started looking for some bootcamp for dogs. That's how we found ADTPB. We took him there 2 months ago and from that time on, Henry is getting more and more organized and I am not afraid to leave him with Meggy. So far so good.