last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(615) 870-4119
Hello. I do land clearing of brush and trees of all sizes.
* My Caterpillar 259B3 Tracked Skid Steer with a full line of attachments will clear more of your land better and without the destruction of a bulldozer.
* With the attached heavy-duty Brush Disk Grinder, my equipment is more powerful and more maneuverable than a tractor mounted Bush Hog. My equipment mulches undergrowth fine enough that no further cleanup is required.
* With the attached Tree Shear, my equipment can fell trees up to up to 12" diameter. I can then cutup and pile the logs and branches where you want them.
* I also have attachments for stump grinding (any size), trench digging (6") and moving materials.
I am located in White House. I cover Franklin, KY and Simpson Counties. Please call to discuss your needs.
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