last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(321) 914-5415
Box braids small ($120) medium($100) big ($80) an additional $20 for long braids , feed-in cornrows $50-$75 (depending on size and length), micros ($150-$250) depending on the size and how thick and long your hair is, individual crochet faux locs ($75+) depending on fullness, single faux locs ($100+) depending on fullness, individual crochet box braids ($80+) depending on fullness, retwist dreads $65, goddess braids ($100+) depending on length, size and rows.
1) I do not do tender heads.
2) If you make an appointment with me please make sure you do not have plans for that day.
3) I do not rush my work
4) I do not give estimated times, each head varies
5) I only use prestrectched hair as it saves time.
6) I work in a peaceful, laid back, professional environment out of my home, please no bad attitudes/energy. Thank you
Note: $35 deposit is required for any hairstyle $80 and up (deposit will be applied to the cost of your hairstyle).