last online over a month ago
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(646) 724-3536
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This guy Charles Humphry JR is a con artist and a very good one. It’s starts by him telling you that he needs a deposit to get things going , then he needs more money for something unexpected that popped up and you have to get it done or your car won’t be done properly, and this cycle will continue until he gets no more money from you and your car will absolutely not come back with what you paid for, then he will not answer your calls and go into hiding until things cool off but you will end up out of a significant amount of money and the promised work will never get completed . He can only do this for so long, someone is going to catch up to him.
This guy is the worst but anyone looking for him his new business is at 183-22 144th avenue spring gardens NY 11413. He changed his number but y'all can find him there to get y'all money back
First I wanna say to those other customer's sorry for ya lost I am 2 a victim of charlie. This guy try the same bullshit with me put I called him out on it n so did my family this guy is a thief simple as that the, The sentence not professional at all is just too nice for him . He don't belong in the honda game , He gives good mechanics a bad rap And for people starting their own small business as well
I gave him my money and car five years ago. And all he been doing g is hiding. He don't know how to run a business all he knows how to do is run and hide. I want my money charlie , im comin for you. You don't realize who the F*#@_ I am but immashow you , !!!!!! I will fi d you you are a piece of shit wait that's a compliment. I'm go na find you and everybody you owe money too gonna fi d you too...
If negatives stars was an option that’s what this place would be getting. Customers beware! This company Charlie Built performance INC. Run by the owner CHARLES HUMPREY JR is a complete SCAM! I too paid for services to customize my vehicles. He gave me quotes told me the parts that were needed for the job I asked for. I call to ask about the updates and his phone is disconnected. You have to hunt him down through his social media to find out what is going on, EXTREMELY UNPROFESSIONAL! It’s been almost a year now and I’m still going back and forth with this man. I spoke with his mother as well trying to find him due to him turning his phone off. His own mother says he owes all his customers money and they also have been looking for him. He will take your money spend it on his personal issues. I tried going to the business and it’s closed. This man and company is a thief and fraud!