
Jessica Fetters


last online over a month ago

  • Pet Sitting & Walking
  • Babysitting
  • Caregiver
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Pet Sitting & Walking Babysitting Caregiver Pediatric LPN
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Lewistown, PA

Phone number:

(717) 607-9659

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  • Pet Sitting & Walking
  • Babysitting
  • Caregiver
  • Pediatric LPN


I am an LPN. I've been licensed for seven years. My specialty is Pediatric LPN with three years of experience working with pediatric patients who needed an extra touch of love from loving hands. I have a variety of special skills such as G Tube (Changing Mickey Buttons, cleaning the site, tube feedings via G Tube, medication administration via G Tube, etc.)

Administration of medications, Patient Assessments, changing colostomy bags, catheterization by both indwelling and straight cath, care of pediatric patients who have frequent seizures, utilizing of care plans, plus many others. I also do babysitting as an experienced professional with an extra caring loving touch. I am a caregiver with a decade of experience. Before I graduated nursing school and got licensed as a Nurse I was a personal care attendant in home healthcare. I started that after I graduated high school in 2010.

I also LOVE animals so I offer pet sitting, pet walking, companion care for your pets. I have experience boarding dogs for loving owners who wanted only the best for their furry friends by letting their dogs come spend time with me at my house instead of a kennel. In a nutshell I also offer my loving touch for all things pet.

In business since 2020


Lewistown, PA


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Contact information

  • Address
    172 Klondyke Dr, Lewistown, PA 17044
  • Phone
    (717) 607-9659
  • Email


  • Photo #1: Jessica Fetters
  • Photo #2: Jessica Fetters
  • Photo #3: Jessica Fetters
  • Photo #4: Jessica Fetters
  • Photo #5: Jessica Fetters
  • Photo #6: Jessica Fetters

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