6 days ago
Phone number:
(817) 350-0968
Having a car that is able to drive smoothly and efficiently is one of the most important conveniences of our day to day lives. When our car stops working, it makes it harder to get to work, school, the grocery store, and other appointments. At First Choice Auto Repair, we want residents of the DFW area to have vehicles that perform at the highest capacity, which is why we offer quality and reliable auto repair service.
The auto mechanics are specialists in all aspects of auto repair, having years of training and knowledge to locate your car's issue and repair it immediately. In order to find any issues with your car, we use computer diagnostic technology; from there, we will make the proper repairs using state-of-the-art tools and superior car parts. We have experience working with wide variety of car, so if you are interested in auto repair services in DFW area that are not only comprehensive but honest, call First Choice Auto Repair today to make an appointment.
We specialize in the following:
Air conditioning and heating repair
Air filtration
Belt replacement
Body repairs
Brake repair
Car maintenance
Check engine light
Clutch repair
Differential repair
Driveline repair
Electrical system repair
Engine repair
Fuel injector repair
Fuel system repair
Ignition repair
Mechanical repair
Oil changes
Oil leak repair
Power accessory repair
Power steering repair
Radiator hose replacement
Steering repair
Suspension repair and upgrade
Transmission repair
And more!
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