last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(310) 988-6587
Located near Norwalk Same-day and last minute appointments availabile
$40 Deposit required via "Venmo" only NO EXCEPTIONS
FULL PACKAGE (hair/install/style)
Real Indian Hair only
2 Bundles with install $275 12/14 OR 14/16 or 16/18 inches Only
3 Bundles with install/flatiron $375
Includes 14/16/18" OR 16/18/20 depends on availability only
3 bundles, closure and install/ flat iron $475
14/16/18 with 12" closure OR 16/18/20 with 12" or 14" closure
2 bundles plus frontal and install $600 14/16/18/20 inches available for this price
Longer lengths available for more$
Partial Weaves $175
Weaves with closure $200
Frontal install $250
Weave take down includes deep conditioner only available with a service $40
Quick weave $125
Box Braids Large $150M $200
Press and flat iron $65
Ponytails/Buns $80
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