last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(562) 623-5259
Cornrows reg size. . ...
$35 one row natural hair
$40 two rows
$45 one row added hair
$55 two rows added hair
Children 9 and under $25 natural hair $35added hair
Individuals $90 (box braids) $100 (small)
Outer part ONLY $80
Individuals twist $100 (Marley hair only)
*No human hair*
Ponytails&Weaves. . .
Weave w/ closer $95
Weave w/ hair out $85
(weave special)
Ponytails w/ press & curl $50
ponytail w/ relaxer touch up $65
(specialty styles additional $10 ie. Twist,)
Press &curls. . . $45
Relaxers . . .
virgin $65
touch up $50
(specialty styles i.e. twist, spiral curls extra $10 )
Available Tues thru Sat 7a- 7p (Early morning appointment available)
All hair cared for with the best professional hair care product I specialized in healthy natural hair care so if your hair needs some TLC give me a call. . ..
* prices subject to change due to hair thickness and length*
Felicia is amazing! She created my new haircut and hairstyle that I loved! Also she is a nice person. I Looking forward to my next appointment!