last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(312) 554-9364
All your home interior remodeling needs. Tile, and wood floor installation, cabinet installations, bathroom & kitchen change outs, electrical up grades, t.v. installation. Faux, and custom painting available.
A small, but unique company, dedicated to bringing you the best and most expedient painting and re-modeling services available.
Taking pride in all, your home is your most important place and we treat it as such. Detail orientated, and very neat, nothing is left undone.
Offering free consultations and quick and reliable service, insured and bonded, and maintaining a professional appearance and skill throughout the job.
Lets meet, and make all your home painting and remodeling needs become a reality for this great 2015!
John Prater
P.S. 48 hour service available!!!
Insured/Bonded and Credit Cards welcome!
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