Computer Repair Virus Removal


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Computer Repair Virus Removal Computer Services
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Chicago, IL

Phone number:

(773) 370-2838

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  • Computer Repair
  • Virus Removal
  • Computer Services


Free estimate, all job pricing based on difficulty and time. Please call in the morning, I might not be able to get back to you until late evening otherwise.

I have years of experience with PCs/laptops, have put together new modern computers from scratch, better than store models.

I have installed and repaired home networks (wireless and wired).
I have extensive Windows experience.
I have installed and upgraded software and computer hardware.
I have replaced laptop screens/keyboards/other parts.
I have experience removing viruses and malware.


Chicago, IL

Contact information

  • Address
    4818 N Monticello Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
  • Phone
    (773) 370-2838
  • Email

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