
Jorge Music Lessons

last online over a month ago

  • Music Lessons
  • Piano Lessons
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El Paso, TX

Phone number:

(915) 875-9459

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  • Music Lessons
  • Piano Lessons


Hello, My name is Jorge, I have over 8 years of teaching experience. I've recently moved back to El Paso after studying, teaching and performing in the DFW (Dallas-Forth Worth area) for three years. I have a Bachelor's degree in Music from UTEP and Masters of Music in Jazz Studies (jazz guitar performance) from The University of North Texas (one of the top universities in the world for music). I specialize in jazz guitar and commercial styles (country, gospel, rock, metal, bossa nova, rancheras, samba, funk, pop).

I am an active musician in El Paso and perform regularly in different places around town such as Cafe Central, Black Orchid Lounge, International and The Ripe Eatery. During my time back in El Paso I've had the priviledge to work with local musicians and groups such as Billy Towns, Amalia Mondragon (Ex- The Chamanas singer), EP Jazz Collective, Marty Olivas, Ruben Gutierrez (EPCC piano instructor), Shaun Mahoney (UTEP guitar instructor), Erick Unksworth (UTEP bass instructor) Money Mark (Beastie Boys keyboardist), Ricky Maliachi, Dave Pietro, Brian Swartz, Eklektic Big Band, UACJ Esamble de Jazz and others. I provide material such as copies and cds for my students. Flexible schedule.


El Paso, TX

Contact information

  • Phone
    (915) 875-9459
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