last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(978) 595-2030
PAINTER Commercial / Residential Painting
Painting *Quality Work - Affordable Prices*
* Refresh, and spruce up that Interior
* Get a beautiful high quality, long lasting paint job!
* Licensed and Insured *
PRICES (Interior)
*Special Painting Package $175.00 per room
Single coat over current color (walls and trim)
*Basic Painting Package $200.00 per room
Single coat over current color (walls, ceiling and trim)
*Premium Painting Package $300.00 per room
Wall Repair (nail holes), Spot Prime and Double Coat (walls, trim) and ceilings.
Windows and doors extra cost.
Each coat after is $150.00 There after.
Fixing Holes that require a patch is an extra charge.
Residential Painting and Home Improvement
Interior and Exterior Custom Painting
Custom finishes on Cabinets, Doors and Stair Casings
Base Boards, Casings and Crown Molding installation, Preparation and Finish
Experienced Carpenter
Ceramic Tile installation/Repair
Door installation
Floor installation
Power washing
Gutter Cleaning
We only use the highest quality paints and coatings.
Great attention to detail which gives you the quality and professionalism you deserve.
We believe prep work is more than half of a residential painting job. In order to ensure the quality of the final coat and the value of your home, we make sure to properly prepare the target area which saves you money in the long run. Our craftsman receive extensive and up to date training on the techniques and materials that are best suited for interior home painting and exterior house painting which can add years to the life of the paint job!
Here are some of the things that make Elite Painting Company& Painting Contractors different:
Exact Quote: We've been in business 30 years in the area and our knowledge allows us to give true and detailed quotes.
Insured: We are fully insured With Over 30 years' Experience You Know You've Made the Right Call.