last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(682) 465-1718
*Full Sewin $90, Basic SewIn, Standard sew in with a single section leaveout .
*3 part Sewin $100. You will need 3-4 bundles. Your bundles will be cut. You will be able to wear a part either down the middle, left side or right side
*Sewin W/ Closure "3 bundle Minimum & Lace closure $110
*Partial Sewin $50
*Clip in$ 50 *wigs $120 *Sew in Refresher"Shampoo, Full Tighten Up, and Flatiron $45
*Sew In Take Down "Includes Shampoo Condition and Blow Dry $30
For more information feel free to contact me.
Amazing salon! Worth every pennies. I will definitely come back. If I could I would post photos of their job.