last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(540) 522-2812
Are you looking for affordable lawn care and landscaping options for your property? Give us a call for a free estimate on any of your lawn or tree work. Prices starting at $25 per lawn for mowing & $500 for tree trimming and removal. Licensed and insured. Ask for Larry @ NOVA Contracting Services
Larry Rigsby
NOVA Contracting Services
These litterbugs put up signs, which then fall over and become litter, and then they refuse to pick them up. Apparently they think these signs just magically evaporate. A true bottom-feeding move to expect others to pick up your own trash.
Do Not Utilize This Business (NOVA Contracting Services, LLC) For Any Services Offered as they are unethical with respect to there business practices as a whole and will rip you off! Please don't be fouled by this company as the owner is dressed in a suit and is smiling before he steals your money. We should have seen the red flags before doing business with this "Rip Off Company" as they advertise on Craigslist, Hirerush, Porch and Thumbtack and they don't even have a website. If you see an advertisement with NOVA Contracting Services, LLC listed or the phone number 540-522-2812 run for the hills and hire a real/reputable company not a online scammer.....