last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(720) 273-1516
Some of our distinguishing Wedding Coverage and Events perks are: affordable crews with male/female shooters, extended-length and highly-engaging day's highlights video editing, high-resolution shooting, aerial/drone options, SteamLIVE® coverage .. and more!
Video pricing is affordable and flexible! Typical wedding coverage runs $1995-2995. Full-day with TWO shooters and extended coverage and video edits run $2995-$3995.
Our Photo/Video "A" Teams run $2995-$4995. Great creative synergy!
We also have great, flexible options and support for unusual videography/photography, elopements, destination weddings, events and locations! See my site for details, pricing options and online resources for planning!
The wedding is such a special occasion, so we were super nitpicky when choosing a videographer since we wanted everything perfect. And it couldn't be better! The video we got is so tender and sweet, so memorable and precious. Watching it makes me remember every single moment of that remarkable day. Many-many thanks!