PJP Productions

last online over a month ago

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New York, NY

Phone number:

(347) 785-2830

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Peter Joseph Paul, Hi-Tech One Man Band is now available for hire for kids parties, adult parties, fundraisers,store openings, gigs, restaurants, etc.

I am a multi-instrumentalist who plays complex drumbeats with my two feet, sings, and plays guitar, all at the same time. I have very serious musical skills, and also play harmonica in my act.

I have a repertoire of over 1200 songs in all genres ranging from rock to pop, to country, etc. I can sucessfully mimic a multitude of famous singers as well, and am a pro drummer as well as a proficient guitarist

I have performed at many venues throughout New York City,including The New York
Hilton Hotel, The New Yorker Hotel, Times Square Alliance outdoor party, various events for The New York City Parks Dept, The Long Island Railroad, Lincoln Center,
outdoor concert,hospitals,senior citizen centers,The Society of Old Brooklynites,etc.

I currently belong to M.U.N.Y.)(MUSIC UNDER NEW YORK)and perform throughout the city for The M.T.A. Arts for Transit.

My rates are $200 per hour plus travel time at $50 per hour and travel expenses. bookings are a minimum of 2 hours performance time.

My sets are 45 minutes per hour and a 15 min. break I can provide music in between my breaks with cds.

I will gladly play over the allotted time as long as there is compensation and

I do not have any other booked engagements.


New York, NY

Contact information

  • Phone
    (347) 785-2830
  • Email

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