last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(808) 295-6158
I offer weekly private lessons in 30, 45, or 60-minute sessions, depending on the student's age/level. My teaching style is to approach each student as unique with unique abilities, interests, and points of struggle. I try to tailor my lessons to the needs, interests, and goals of each student.
A typical lesson that I conduct spends time going over what I've assigned the student to practice the previous week, and then I spend time going over new music, working on sight-reading skills, and points of technique, artistry, and theory.
Introductory lesson for new students are available by appointment. Adult students are welcome. On line lessons are also available through Skype or FaceTime. My home studio is located in East Honolulu nearby Kahala Mall. Students learn on a baby grand piano.
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