last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(240) 462-9522
Affordable Handyman Services
Provided by Ramon Gonzales
*** Spring Rates ***
Small jobs : $35 per hour + material
Medium jobs : $45 per hour + material
Large jobs : $50 - $55 per hour + material
Estimates : FREE
[ Min. 3 hours for any level ]
Types of services offered:
* drywall installation and/or repair
* painting (minor and major)
* carpentry
* minor plumbing
* small renovation jobs
* minor exterior repairs (i.e windows and shutters)
* flooring (minor and major) - tile and wood
* wood floor restoration
* complete restoration of apartments & houses for rental move-in
* landscaping ( leaf removal, tree trimming, yard prep for spring)
* Prep for snow removal & snow removal
* roofing (repair and/or restoration)
View all business hours