last online over a month ago
Phone number:
(773) 850-6233
Your Autopal is a family owned company, serving chicago and suburbs for the last 9 years,from fast torwing to tire change and feul delivey you can cont on us, we have unbeatable prices for auto repair and used tires at our shop.
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I highly recommed their service. One of their towers named Joey schilling was such a professional handling my car with such finesse and examplary performance.
Helped after tie rod broke on my very old jeep. Great price. Quick service. Also helped get me back on the road faster than the auto shop. Best company to work with if your car needs towing.
I was at my wit's end when I miscalculated and thought that the petrol I had would be enough to get to my destination, that's why I appreciated the helping hand of Your Autopal on a desert street. Thank you, chaps!