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Where do you need the service?

$99 Brake Job! Labor $99 per axle!

Auto Repair Services


O‘ahu, HI Honolulu, HI

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 62734


  • Auto Repair Services


$99 Brake Job!
Why so cheap? Because I wanna put Midas, Firestone, Goodyear, and all the rest out of business!
Don't ever take your car to these places because they'll cut corners and cut your rotors!

You never wanna do that! It will cause you more problems down the road and it's dangerous! That's the cheap way of doing a brake job. You will end up with warped or worst yet, cracked rotors. That could place your life as well as your family's in jeopardy! Brand New brake rotors are less expensive nowdays that it makes sense just to replace them rather than resurfacing your old ones.

I have over 20 years of experience doing brakes!
I do it right the first time!
Full Service ASE Certified Mechanic!

How my service works?
You can purchase your own parts (rotors/pads) from your favorite parts store and come to my shop in Waipahu and just pay $99 per axle!
I can source all the parts needed for your vehicle and you pay what I pay for parts and I install for $99 per axle

Sample Costs:
(2007 Nissan Altima)
Front & Rear Brake Rotors $170
Front & Rear Brake Pads $38
Labor $99 per axle

Grand Total For All 4 Wheel Brake Job: $406! (With a Lifetime Warranty on Brake Pads!)
But wait!
I'll even round the price down to $399 cause I'm cool like that! And I am the boss Ha!
You would pay atleast $800 at a Midas or Firestone. Just call them and see for yourself!
Pads and rotors still good but got a horrible squealing noise? Call me for a free on-site brake inspection!
Most brake noises can be eliminated with just a simple brake cleaning and application of a special anti-noise compound. Your brakes will be as good as new!


O‘ahu, HI Honolulu, HI


  • Photo #1: $99 Brake Job!  Labor $99 per axle!