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DRUM LESSONS AT Nick Rail Music... (age 8 and up)

Music Lessons


Bakersfield, CA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 57129


  • Music Lessons


Being able to perform and to educate on the drums is a challenging and satisfying responsibility. I truly love my career, and all I would like to wish all of you a happy year with the hope that it will better than the last.

I am teaching at Nick Rail Music, Bakersfield, Mondays thru Saturdays by appointment. I have a few spots available for any interested students (generally age 8 and up) who want to learn how to play from the ground up, or to break through any walls you may have playing-wise.

If you received a drum set or a cymbal set or a snare drum, your first lesson is FREE!
Gift certificates available.

I also teach via Skype (you can pay me via PayPal).Yo hablo espanol.


Bakersfield, CA


  • Photo #1: DRUM LESSONS AT Nick Rail Music... (age 8 and up)