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Wedding Photography $800.
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646-542-1676 PIN: 52637
Wedding Photography
Thank you for stoping by. My name is Tino and I hope that the information below is helpful. In the bottom of this ad you sill see my website and links to read what my customer say about my services.
Our Experience - We are experienced wedding and sweet-sixteen photographers/ videographers located in Queens, NY. We have worked for couples from: Russia, Rumania, India, Nigeria, The United States, Pakistan, China, and from all over Latin America. And work in places such as the Crest Hollow Country Club, Leonard's, Old Tappan Manor, etc.
The Crew - The usual crew consist of three people: photographer, lighting assistant and video person. The Equipment - We use professional High Definition and low light performing video cameras, full frame cameras, wireless microphone in the groom's shirt during the ceremony, slider, prime lenses, wide lenses, telephoto lenses, radio transmitters to trigger the flash wirelessly, external lights in the reception and soft box during the formal shots.