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Where do you need the service?

Automotive Mechanic Bob - Electric, Modifications , Manual Transmission

Auto Repair Services


Island of Hawai'i, HI Waimea, HI

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 62101


  • Auto Repair Services


45 years experience
$ 40 per hour, Full Service
Muscle car, Antique, Modern Cars , Light Truck, 4X4, Light Equipment, Harley Davidson and more
Carbs rebuilt , Carter, Edelbrock, Holley, Stromberg, Autolight, Motorcraft, Thermo Quad. Quadra Jet, S&S, Weber, SU, ect...1 bbl, 2 bbl or 4 bbl. multi carb

Scanner for 1996 and up
Custom Electric, Modifications , Manual Transmission, Rear End Ring and Pinion, Suspensions,Brakes, ect...
Hydraulic, Air ride, ect....
Small Engine and Equipment ....



Island of Hawai'i, HI Waimea, HI