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Brandon's Lawn Care

Lawn Care


Kansas City, MO Grain Valley, MO Blue Springs, MO Oak Grove, MO

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 49499


  • Lawn Care


Brandon's Lawn Care offers a great service at a low price. Average yard 20 to 25$ includes
Edging/ trimming
Diamond cut lawns

We even clean off your porch and patios when we are done. Call today to try a perfect looking lawn.
Call today to learn more and schedule a lawn care plan that works for you.

Services also include: yard drain systems, leaf removal, large brush removal and seeding your lawn to look better. Grain valley, blue springs, Buckner, sibley, oak grove area.


Kansas City, MO Grain Valley, MO Blue Springs, MO Oak Grove, MO


  • Photo #1: Brandon's Lawn Care