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Where do you need the service?

Diesel performance Tuning/DPF Delete-Cummins/powerstroke/duramax

Auto Repair Services
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San Antonio, TX

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 66978


  • Auto Repair Services


We offer some of the best tuning in the market for newer diesel trucks
We come to you and delete with our pkgs below.!!

FORD 08-15 H&s 275 with delete pipe 899$- w/t 5" exhaust " add 320$ - plus DEF FLUID delete
Dodge 07-12 H&s 275 mild with delete pipe 899$ - w/t 4"5 exhaust add 389$
CHEV/GMC DURMAX 2500-35000 7-14 > Street H&s or live add 150$ with delete kit 699$ and full exhaust add 400$$

Schedule an app. and get better fuel mileage out of your truck !!
ECM flash aftermarket tune only 500$!!



San Antonio, TX


  • Photo #1: Diesel performance Tuning/DPF Delete-Cummins/powerstroke/duramax