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Where do you need the service?

Electrician Jared for hire. 3 years of exp!



Maui, HI Kapalua, HI Makena, HI Lahaina, HI

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 62290


  • Electrician


I do handyman work, specializing in electrical work. I have 3 years of experience doing electrical work. Wiring up whole houses, replacing panels, meters, running circuits, etc. Have also done commercial work and can bend conduit and run PVC. Also have done low voltage and data work. I have pictures of past work I've done and have references.

If you're a homeowner and would like me to do work for you let me know, and we can discuss what you're needs are.
If you're contractor and would like to hire me out for a job that would work also. I can read blueprints and have wired up whole houses. Have done commercial work at HFM and Banana Bungalow, and lot's of commercial work on Lanai, building the new theatre there and working on Richards Market. Also have wired up coolers. Have fixed hot water heaters, insta-hots, dryers and washing machines as well.

Mahalo, Jared


Maui, HI Kapalua, HI Makena, HI Lahaina, HI


  • Photo #1: Electrician Jared for hire. 3 years of exp!
  • Photo #2: Electrician Jared for hire. 3 years of exp!
  • Photo #3: Electrician Jared for hire. 3 years of exp!
  • Photo #4: Electrician Jared for hire. 3 years of exp!
  • Photo #5: Electrician Jared for hire. 3 years of exp!