We will ask you a few questions to match you with the best local pros

Where do you need the service?

Jim's Auto. Engines Installed Cars and Trucks

Auto Repair Services


Pittsburgh, PA Moon, PA Gibsonia, PA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 57994


  • Auto Repair Services


I have been installing engines for 30+ years. , I will save you $$$. I do domestic and imports
I will install new or used engines. I have a very good used engine source.
I am ASE Cert. and have references.
You can purchase all parts, or I can get them for you.
You just pay me for labor. Call for a price. Jims Auto

Please give info on vehicle. Don't let someone start the job
that they won't finish. I have all the tools to get you running like new, [And 30 years experience]
I am highly recommended in our area. Same location for over 30 years.
Call for price, you mite be surprised. Thanks for looking. Jim
Credit cards accepted

I do not work on any Cadillacs and I do not work on most Ford vehicles
ASE Certified Towing and Flatbed is avalible.


Pittsburgh, PA Moon, PA Gibsonia, PA