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Experienced Mobile ASE Certitied Auto and Truck Mechanic

Auto Repair Services


O‘ahu, HI Nānākuli, HI

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 62520


  • Auto Repair Services


Mechanic with over 20 years of experience seeks additional service and repair work. I'm also qualified to perform heavy class eight truck ninety-day DOT inspections. ASE certification: T1 through T8 and E3 (2013). AWS D1.1 (2013) recertified. Associate degree (2yr.) in Automotive Technology; City College, Santa Barbara (completed in 1991). I'm familiar with gas & diesel engines, automotive (mostly Japanese and domestic models, a few European makes), marine power systems, and medium and heavy trucks.

I'm also proficient in electrical repair and diagnosis. Professional references available. I charge $80 per hour for work in Town. Additional charges for mileage and time will apply for work outside of Town.



O‘ahu, HI Nānākuli, HI


  • Photo #1: Experienced Mobile ASE Certitied Auto and Truck Mechanic