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Ford Superduty Diesel 6.0 repairs

Auto Repair Services


Pittsburgh, PA Arnold, PA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 57925


  • Auto Repair Services


Specializing in Ford 6.0 Diesel and Ford Powerstroke repairs for 20 years. We can repair your 6.0 and make it run again. Head Studs, New Head Gaskets, Injectors, EGR's, turbos, etc. We can replace engines, transmissions, transfer cases, front and rear axles, and do repairs for 7.3, 6.0, 6.4 quickly and economically.

We repair any Ford superduty including F250 F350 F450 F550 Ford truck.
Call today.


Pittsburgh, PA Arnold, PA


  • Photo #1: Ford Superduty Diesel 6.0 repairs