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Fuel injector Flow Testing, Cleaning & Calibration

Auto Repair Services


New York, NY

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 12514


  • Auto Repair Services


Prices start at $12.50 per injector for basic test & report. Minimum 4 injectors!
We refurbish all gasoline fuel injectors. Cars , trucks, marine engines, atv's.

Our full service injector refurbish includes:
Check for leak down,
Check dynamic resistance
Check spray pattern and volume

We then remove the o- rings and seals and ultrasonic clean and back flush.
After installing new o- rings We then recheck the spray pattern , volume and verify balanced flow.
Fast dependable service! Out of the area? ups or mail injectors to us for quick return shipping!

Call Bill.
Positive Performance Center, Wilmington De 19804


New York, NY


  • Photo #1: Fuel injector Flow Testing, Cleaning & Calibration