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GM, Ford, & Dodge Instrument Cluster Repair

Auto Repair Services
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Austin, TX

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 7240


  • Auto Repair Services


***Serving All of Central Texas - From Marble Falls to Waco*** ***NOW Serving Goldthwaite and San Saba areas*** ***MOBILE SERVICE*** *** Fixing 2004-2008 Ford F-Series Trucks*** ***Fixing 2006 Dodge Truck Tachometers*** ***Fixing 1997 - 2008 most GM Vehicles*** ***Fixing Ford Trucks & SUV Odometers 1997-2002*** *Mobile service at your Home or office!* *That's right we will come to you!* **Para espanol * ((((part of Texas largest chain of Instrument Cluster repairs!)))) ***4th Gen Camaro BCM*** ***Jeep Grand Cherokee ECM*** ***Liberty EMC*** ***03 - 06 Isuzu Ascender & Box trucks*** ***Now fixing Kelsey Hayes 325 ABS Modules (97-08 Most GM vehicles)*** ***Fixing Kelsey Hayes 430 ABS Modules (Ford Windstar)*** One call, and your cluster will be like brand new. Each cluster is completely rebuilt: gauges, bulbs, displays, etc. Trust the one who the DEALERS and MECHANIC SHOPS trust, not one of those guys repairing clusters at night and on the weekend. No need to send it off waiting for a week or more, we come to you. Prompt, courteous service, guaranteed to last the life of the vehicle. Do you have one or more of the following problems with your dash, speedometer, tachometer, fuel gauge, oil pressure gauge, battery gauge, temperature gauge, or transmission temperature gauge? **Flashing ABS & Brake lights **ABS motors continuing running **Inoperative cluster **Dead Gauges **Sticky Gauges **Gauges give wrong readings **Gauges pegging out **Gauges that work intermittently **Erratic Behavior **Dead Cluster


Austin, TX


  • Photo #1: GM, Ford, & Dodge Instrument Cluster Repair