We will ask you a few questions to match you with the best local pros

Where do you need the service?

Good Mechanic work (motor swaps, wiring, stereo installation)

Auto Repair Services


Reno, NV

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 71036


  • Auto Repair Services


Hi! I am a good mechanic that is looking to do work on cars and trucks. I have my own shop, tow truck and trailer if you need a tow. I specialize in Hondas and Acura's but I can work on just about anything foreign and domestic. I do motor swaps, wiring, full wire tucks, stereo installation, plus much more.

I can do all most everything for cheap prices if any questions please feel free to call!
My name is CJ, thanks so much, have a great day!


Reno, NV


  • Photo #1: Good Mechanic work (motor swaps, wiring, stereo installation)