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Where do you need the service?

Headlight Restoration Specialist ($25 per headlight)

Auto Repair Services


Stockton, CA Tracy, CA

Phone number:

646-542-1676 PIN: 57702


  • Auto Repair Services


Clear headlights improve the look and value of any vehicle! I am an IDA (international detailing association) certified technician and know how to make your foggy, dull headlights look like new again. I use a wet sanding technique to get rid of the layer of clear coat that has become yellow or faded on the lens. Then I use high quality compounds to get rid of the scratches I just made. After they are gone and the light is crystal clear, I coat the headlight with a top tier wax that will last for years to come!

I come to you! Appointments available on weekends. Contact me for more information. Call!


Stockton, CA Tracy, CA


  • Photo #1: Headlight Restoration Specialist ($25 per headlight)
  • Photo #2: Headlight Restoration Specialist ($25 per headlight)
  • Photo #3: Headlight Restoration Specialist ($25 per headlight)